Gran Tara, Grand Lake's best community offers the week-ender and the year-rounder a wonderful environment to enjoy nature, relax and experience the good life. This web site is dedicated to all the members of the Gran Tara community who exhibit a special sense of community that will ensure the wonderful quality of Gran Tara for generations to come. In addition, it is hoped that this site will help showcase and promote Gran Tara to those who may be interested in the perfect vacation or retirement location.
SE of Club House |
There are so many amenities available in Gran Tara that they simply can't be listed. Sure, the fact that Gran Tara has:
- Secure gated entry
- Secure fenced perimeter
- A huge, brand new boat ramp
- A beautiful club house with a gorgeous view of the lake
- World-Class tennis court
- A great big swimming pool
- A swimming dock and a boater's dock
- PAVED roads.. no dusty gravel trails
- etc, etc, etc .....
actually does not give justice to all the great experiences that come from just being at Gran Tara. There are not too many places in the world, for example, where a person can wake up in the morning with gentle deer right in their front yard or settle down in the evening with fiesty fox and other critters playing nearby. And, ah yes, the lake ....